
“What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action” by Meister Eckhart.

Here he is talking about the Harvest of Life and highlighting the Importance of mindful contemplation.
During the week I took sometime to sit and ponder this quote and how we can apply it to our own lives. As human beings, we often go about our lives on autopilot, reacting to the situations around us without much thought or intentionality. But what if we were to take a step back and engage in contemplation, that deep reflective thinking that gives space for us to assess ourselves and situations and how we may need to address things within ourselves to help us achieve deeper relationships and learn to trust that we are more than capable of achieving our dreams and impacting the world we live in by giving ourselves permission to evolve and grow, as individuals and together in unity with those we do life with and as we do this we are actively planting the seeds of our future actions?
In many ways, the process of contemplation is akin to that of planting a garden. We carefully choose what to sow, weeding out anything that may impede the growth of our desired crop, and patiently wait for the harvest. And just as we can reap the benefits of a bountiful garden, so too can we experience the rewards of contemplative practice.
When we engage in mindful contemplation, we create space for introspection and self-reflection. We may consider our values, our goals, and our priorities, taking stock of where we are and where we want to be. With this clarity comes a greater sense of purpose and direction, as well as a deeper understanding of our motivations and desires.
And just as importantly, contemplation can help us identify and address any barriers to achieving our goals. By reflecting on our own patterns of thought and behaviour, we can begin to see where we may be self-sabotaging or limiting ourselves in some way. We may also identify external factors that are holding us back, such as societal norms or systemic injustices.
Ultimately, the harvest of our contemplative practice is the actions that we take in our everyday lives. Armed with a greater sense of purpose and self-awareness, we can make decisions that align with our values and goals, and that promote our overall well-being. We can also use our newfound insights to effect change in our communities and beyond, taking steps to address the issues that we care about most deeply.
So if you find yourself feeling lost or uncertain about your direction in life, take a step back and engage in some mindful contemplation. Plant the seeds of intentionality and purpose, and patiently wait for the harvest of action. The rewards will be well worth it and far outweigh the effort.

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